Back in the late 80s and early 90s, Psygnosis were the kings of presentation. From the gorgeous packaging the games came in, to bundled T-shirts, beautiful in-game graphics and stunning audio, they really knew how to polish each release.
The playability on many of their titles may have been sadly lacking, but for the purpose of this blog post we'll skate over that bit, as I'm here to give you the heads-up on a fan-made audio tribute, courtesy of the BitFellas podcast team.
Here's Bobic of BitFellas:
"Episode #157 - Tribute to Psygnosis, Part 1: The Amiga yearsThe podcast features a hefy 41 separate tracks, ranging from original Amiga audio to modern day remixes, and runs for a whopping 1hour 55mins 42secs.
On August, the 22nd of 2012, the SHADOW OF THE BEAST (Sony) fell over Sony Studio Liverpool, better known as Psygnosis. After producing AWESOME games for 28 years the MENACE couldn't be stopped. Game over for a company who wrote a big chapter into the book of history of computer and video games.
BitFellas says "thank you" for creating and publishing milestones like Lemmings, Barbarian, the Beast trilogy, WipEout and many more gems, including some of the best box art of all time.
R.I.P. Psygnosis, playing at the THEATRE OF DEATH now.
This is the first podcast episode with music from Psygnosis games. The focus here is on music from their Amiga games, sometimes in their original MOD version, sometimes as remix. Some unreleased tunes are included, too.
We say thank you to the following musicians and people, who made this episode possible and bow down for writing some of the best game music ever made:
Tim Wright (CoLD SToRAGE), Matthew Simmonds (4mat), Chris Hülsbeck, Ray Norrish (NZO), Tim Bartlett, Olof Gustafsson (Blaizer), Mike Clarke and Jan Zottmann."
Listen to the podcast HERE on YouTube.
Download the MP3 (159MB) HERE.
Download the cue sheet HERE.
BitJam Podcast:
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