Monday, 1 October 2012

The Spectrum Show - Episode 9

Episode 9 of the impressive "Spectrum Show" goes back to November 1983, covering a selection of news stories doing the rounds at the time, including:

- The Spectrum Stick - A new joystick that doesn't require an interface, and instead, sits on top of your keyboard
- Sinclair brush away rumours of the ZX83, and announce a new development system for a future Sinclair business machine
- Macmillan join forces with Sinclair to release a series of educational titles
- A number of companies commit to supporting the Currah Microspeech Unit
- And, with Acorn's contract with the BBC due for renewal next year Sinclair declare their interest in pitching.

On to chart news, and with the Christmas season fast approaching the game charts are a frenzy of activity. Current top-selling titles include Maziacs from DK Tronics, Ant Attack from Quicksilva and Lunar Jetman from Ultimate.

This month's feature covers Galaxian clones. Boy, there were some real stinkers that ended up on shop shelves, but one or two versions are actually worth investigating further.

In the new game reviews segment Spectrum Show presenter Paul Jenkinson looks at one of his own games, "Space Disposal", a flip-screen Cybernoid style shooter, and rather nice it looks, too!

There's much more in this episode besides the above, including a segment on the truly terrible and frustrating "Jungle Fever". Perhaps the maddening "Jungle Trouble" could be a future joystick-hurling title for the show to cover?

The current episode lasts for just under 20 minutes, and can be found on YouTube by clicking HERE.

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