Thursday, 16 August 2012

Donkey Kong Inspired Retro Shelving

I don't mind admitting that I'm rather partial to a bit of retro related furniture and tat for the home. We've seen retro framed pictures, retro inspired t-shirts, more recently the Tetris lamp, and now, Los Angeles designer Igor Chak has designed and produced a set of Donkey Kong shelves.

A set of Donkey Kong Shelves? Yes indeed, and here's how the basics of the idea took shape;
... I came across an old scenario that has been embedded in my childhood memory...The colorful steel beams of Donkey Kong and I started to wonder, what happens to all those video game props when games become old...Do they get stored away in a digital world or do they fade away with time?

The famous steel beams from Donkey Kong have served their time but I could not pass by such an ingenious design...So as a designer I though how can I encourage Mario to take this back.

I’m sure with popularity of Mario he is not a simple plumber anymore and he wouldn't want some rusty beat up steel beams at his place but he would probably need some kind of sweet looking wall to put his awards and trophies on.
Mimicking the style of the first stage from Nintendo's classic arcade title, Donkey Kong, these not only make great bookshelves, but they look absolutely fantastic, too.

At present it doesn't look like these shelves are for sale. However, Igor has already designed and built a Space Invader style sofa, which he now sells from his web site, so perhaps these will be next.

Keep those fingers crossed!

A selection of photos showing the shelves in all their glory can be found in the industrial section of Igor's web site.

Thanks go to Twitter user @chut319 for giving me the heads-up on this.

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